function myNew(target) { var res = {}; res.__proto__ = target.prototype; var result = target.apply(res, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); return typeof result === 'object' ? result : res; // 构造函数返回非对象会被忽略 }
function extends(sup, sub) { var temp = function(){}; temp.prototype = sup.prototype; sub.prototype = new temp(); sub.prototype.constructor = sub; }
const PENDING = 'Pending'; const RESOLVED = 'Resolved'; const REJECTED = 'Rejected'; function myPromise(excutor) { const that = this; this.status = PENDING; that.result = null; that.reason = null; that.onResolvedCbs = []; that.onRejectedCbs = []; that.resolveFunc = resolve; that.rejectFunc = reject; function resolve(result) { if (result instanceof myPromise) { return result.then(resolve, reject); } setTimeout(() => { if(that.status === PENDING) { that.status = RESOLVED; that.result = result; that.onResolvedCbs.forEach(cb => cb(result)); } }); } function reject(reason) { setTimeout(() => { if(that.status === PENDING) { that.status = REJECTED; that.result = reason; that.onRejectedCbs.forEach(cb => cb(reason)); } }); } try { excutor(resolve, reject); } catch(e) { reject(e); } } myPromise.prototype.then(onResolved = value => value, onRejected = reason => reason) { const that = this; let promise2; if (that.status === PENDING) { that.onResolvedCbs.push((result) => { try { const p = onResolved(result); if (p instanceof myPromise) { p.then(that.resolveFunc, that.rejectFunc); } } catch(e) { that.rejectFunc(e); } }); that.onRejectedCbs.push((reason) => { try { const p = onRejected(reason); if (p instanceof myPromise) { p.then(that.resolveFunc, that.rejectFunc); } } catch(e) { that.rejectFunc(e); } }); } else if (that.status === RESOLVED) { return promise2 = new myPromise(resolve, reject) { try { const p = onResolved(that.result); if (p instanceof myPromise) { p.then(resolve, reject); } else resolve(p); } catch(e) { reject(e); } } } else if (that.status === REJECTED) { return promise2 = new myPromise(resolve, reject) { try { const p = onRejected(that.reason); if (p instanceof myPromise) { p.then(resolve, reject); } else reject(p); } catch(e) { reject(e); } } } }
// @isDe 是否是防抖 function throttle (fn, delay, isDe) { let t = null; return function(...arg) { if (isDe) { if (t) clearTimeout(t); t = setTimeout(() => { fn.apply(arg); }, delay); } else { if (t) return; fn.apply(arg); setTimeout(() => { t = null; }, delay); } }; } // @isDe 是否是防抖 function throttle (fn, delay, isDe) { let t = null; let last = 0; return function(...arg) { if (isDe) { if (t) clearTimeout(t); t = setTimeout(() => { fn(...arg); }, delay); } else { if (!t) t = Date.now(); if (t - last < delay) return; fn(...arg); last = Date.now(); } }; }
function call(fn, context, ...arg) { context.func = fn; let result = context.func(...arg); delete context.func; return result; } function bind(fn, context, ...arg) { let refn = fn.call(context, ...arg); function Temp() {} Temp.prototype = fn.prototype; refn.prorotype = new Temp(); return refn; }
实现 JSON.stringify
实现 懒加载
实现 EventEmitter
// 简单实现了一下 subscribe 和 dispatch var EventEmitter = { _events: {}, dispatch: function (event, data) { if (!this._events[event]) { // 没有监听事件 return; } for (var i = 0; i < this._events[event].length; i++) { this._events[event][i](data); } }, subscribe: function (event, callback) { // 创建一个新事件数组 if (!this._events[event]) { this._events[event] = []; } this._events[event].push(callback); } }; EventEmitter.subscribe('namechanged', function(data) { alert(data.name); }); EventEmitter.dispatch('namechanged', { name: 'John' });